Can you believe this weather??? It is driving me nuts but then again LET IT SNOW!! I hope it snows three feet. I don't have any photos of my kids in the snow since Evan was two! That was an amazing six years ago. I don't know how time goes by so quickly. When I think about how LONG the first twenty years of my life took and how FAST the last twenty have gone, I shudder to think of the third set of twenty. I would not be surprised if my teeth start falling out while I am just writing this blog!
I had two photo shoots today. I took photos of the sweetest six month old girl. She made it easy! All smiles the whole shoot! She was a photographer's dream. I have not started on her shots but will post a couple up tonight.
The other shoot was my brother's new puppy, Truman. He is the cutest little roly poly thing you have ever seen. My pup, Sophie, wanted to play with him but she just scared him to death! The beach scene is my newest background. Let me know what you think!
I don't know if any of you watch the Today Show but this past Wednesday they had a segment on the
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation. This program consists of a group of volunteer photographers all across the United States who go into the hospitals and provide beautiful photographs of the babies who have passed on or who are not long for this world. It is a wonderful way to help these parents remember their loved one by giving them sweet photographs of their short time upon this earth. You can see the segment from the Today Show by following this link:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/23481435#23481435and you can learn more about the NILMDTS foundation by going to their website:
http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/. I am so thankful to be onboard with this company and think that offering this service to these grieving parents is so important. If you know of anyone who may be in need of one of these photographers, please go to the website and let them know. The service is totally free and while the parents may not be sure of it now, they will be so very grateful for them later.
That's all for now! I will post a couple from the baby's photo shoot tonight sometime. Have a great wonderful SNOW!!