Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wilson County's Most Wonderful Mom Contest

Are you Wilson County's Most Wonderful Mom or do you know who she is?

Amy Rich Photography is searching high and low for the best mom in Wilson County and plans to reward her with many gifts including a $500 portrait package.

You can see our continually growing list of prizes here, my blog or on our Event Page on Facebook.

You can nominate yourself, your mom or any mom you know. Send a letter stating why this person deserves to win the title. Include a cover letter that has name, address and phone number of you and the nominee. Email to arphotography@comcast.net or mail to: Amy Rich Photography, 706 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN 37090.

Entries must be received by Wednesday, May 4th. The winner will be announced on Mother's Day on the blog found at www.AmyRichPhotography.com.
A panel of judges will select the winner. Good luck!

For more information contact the studio at 615-335-5529.