Saturday, April 18, 2009


I love photographing brothers. Maybe it is because I have four boys, had two brothers or because I have just always been fascinated by the whole boy dynamics that I find myself being drawn to them. Photoshoots with brothers are always spontaneous and fun. I love when they break into a wrestling match and these are usually my favorite shots from the shoot. Most of all I am fascinated by the progression of a brothers shoot. You just never know for sure how it will go but it is inevitable that as soon as they get comfortable enough chaos comes forth and the shoot gets interesting. The moms always start freaking out and apologizing as her boys are now in a tangle on my floor. I keep telling her that it is fine. I guess poor mom has no idea that I really mean it! I am telling you that it just cracks me up. The boys start wrestling and here goes mom into the fray trying to break it up and she has one by the leg and the other by the arm, glancing at me over her shoulder in embarrassment and apologizing profusely. LOL...but I LOVE IT!! Here is a panel from a recent shot I did of two brothers. By the way they are now actually three brothers. The other was a newborn and was not in this series but he is a cutie and I guess I had better post a photo of him too so he will not feel left out. Now tell me these three are not adorable?

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