Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another Comment on Time....

I know I am being redundant but back to the time thing......

Today is my first born son's 17th birthday! SEVENTEEN!! I remember when I went into labor with him. The wait seemed to take forever. I remember thinking that he was never going to get here but get here he did and now it has been seventeen years. Morris and I were recently married and just starting out our lives. Alex was born into such love and full of promise. He was a small bald headed baby with big brown eyes and a dimpled chin. Now he is a big strong young man who needs a haircut and a shave with the same expressive brown eyes and dimpled chin. Seventeen years ago I held and marveled at his tiny little hands and now those hands are shooting hockey pucks and playing basketball and instead of my hand he is now holding his girlfriend's hand. I wonder when is the last time I held that precious hand when we were walking down the road or crossing that parking lot. I wish I had known that moment was the last time. I would have held it a little longer and given it a kiss before letting it go. Ahhhh...letting go....that is the difficult part, isn't it?

Well, before I start crying again I am going to go get the young ones to take to the movie. The birthday boy is out with his girlfriend celebrating. Apparently I am no longer needed for the celebrations. I will tell you one thing....on my way into the movies, when we cross through the parking lot, I am going to grab my little one's hand and I am going to hang on just a little bit longer,


PS...here is a photo from a shoot I had today...What about those eyes???!!! Pretty soon he will be seventeen and not needing his mommy to celebrate his birthday....oh, here I go crying again....

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